Crisis Management and Recovery
Rox was the Chief of Staff who led Colorado through thirteen federally declared disasters and recovery efforts including business development, nonprofit turnarounds, and mergers. Rox is actively involved with clients and as a volunteer leading the thinking regarding how to mitigate the impacts and recover from COVID-19. She understands how federal recovery funds can be used to leverage state and local resources, how taxing bases and nonprofit giving trends grow and wane in times of economic distress, and how to maximize resources.
Rox has demonstrated leadership guiding individuals and organizations through disasters and into recovery and has seem them through economic distress, fires, floods, and viral outbreaks.
The team is ready to help you think through the difficult decisions including creating a new vision, forming new collaboratives and partnerships, or reductions in services. In her leadership roles in disasters, she has helped communities think through recovery, reposition agencies and business, and prioritize for eventual growth.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, SWR successfully transitioned to providing virtual consultation to all of our clients, and are proud to continue to serve our community while ensuring the safety of our staff and our clients.